Meet Kristan | Shawnee Area Moms

Each month I will highlight one mom from the Shawnee Area. I thought I’d go first so you can learn a little more about me! If you know of a mom that we should meet, please let me know!!

How long have you lived in (your town)? What made you decide to live here?

Our family moved to Shawnee in 2010. We were able to build our home in Woodland Farms and we love it here! We chose Shawnee for the wonderful schools and community. People are friendly here and truly care about us.

How many children do you have and what are their age(s)?

I have FIVE!! Jared is 17 and a junior at Mill Valley High School, Brittany is 14 and a freshman at Mill Valley, Mason is 12 and a sixth grader at Mill Creek Middle School, Jett is 6 years old and a first grader at Riverview Elementary, and Joshua is 3 years old and attends preschool pals at the Lenexa Rec Center. 

What’s your favorite family activity (in your town)?

We really enjoy going to Shawnee Mission Park with our dog, Haizley. Shawnee Mission Park has a lot of fun things to do. We’ve enjoyed paddle boarding, paddle boats, the beach and the playgrounds over the years too.

Where’s your favorite place to eat and/or shop in your town?

I LOVE Jose Pepper’s!! It is one of my go-to restaurants. Their espinaca dip is amazing! Nick and Jake’s is delicious also!

What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I was a single mom when I met my husband. Jared was 4 months old and I had just ended the relationship with his dad. I attended a single adult Valentine’s Day dance and ran into my old friend Keith. Little did I know that he would become my husband later that year! Life is full of surprises and that is my favorite one so far!!

Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you through parenthood?

There are a lot of people that have helped me through the years but I have to say that I wouldn’t be the mom I am today if it wasn’t for the woman’s organization of my church. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I have made so many wonderful friends through the relief society organization (women’s organization.) The love and support that I have had throughout the years has been amazing. So many of these woman have taught me things like: homemaking skills, spiritual strength, friendship, parenting tips, and most of all a sisterhood. It is this organization that has inspired me to help other moms in my community.

Are you involved in a business venture, a local organization, a creative endeavor, or in the
corporate world? Please share!

Um yes! The Local Moms Network, of course!! I’m so excited to see where this goes! And most of all to meet new friends and help others. I want the Shawnee Area Mom’s Network to be a safe place for mom’s. A place where we can be real and encourage each other. A place to get resources that will help us be the best versions of ourselves. I also want to help small businesses reach potential clients and offer discounts to mom’s in the process! One thing I feel really passionate about is giving back and I am still figuring out what that will look like for me but I know that Shawnee Area Mom’s will be a vehicle to allow me to give back!

How has this community been instrumental in getting you to where you are now?

Shawnee is a wonderful community with so many great people. I truly feel this community is full of genuine people who want to help as we raise the future generation. From teachers, to mom friends, to doctors, and church groups, Shawnee has it all! As a mom of five kids, I have had the pleasure of rubbing shoulders with so many of these wonderful community members and look forward to getting to know so many more as I build this community of moms!! I’m still learning as I go but definitely see how far I’ve come and have so many who’ve supported me along the way. Often it’s the simple things that make the biggest difference. I remember after I had my fourth baby, Jett. A neighborhood mom offered to take my kids to school every morning. It was a small thing for her but made ALL the difference for me!! Not having to load four kids in the car every morning (especially in the cold winter) made my life so much easier for the rest of the school year!! I will be eternally grateful for people like her! There are many and this is just one example! They say it takes a village and I totally agree!







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