Meditation 101 | Shawnee Area Moms


If there’s ever a time to look for new tools to center yourself, it’s January 2022. Meditation is one of the best tools out there, and not only is it naturally free, but you can do it virtually anywhere. It can even help you be a better, more patient parent.

We chatted with our newest contributor Kimberly Snyder, who is a spiritual guide and meditation teacher, founder of the Solluna holistic lifestyle brand and mom of two (Emerson, 5, and Moses, 18 months), about her journey in meditation–and how you can start your own practice.

Read our Meet a Mom with Kimberly Snyder here.

Can you please tell us about your own introduction to meditation?
In my early 20’s after college I backpacked around the world, spanning three years and over 50 countries. It was in Rishikesh though (also known as the Yoga Capital of the world) where I stayed at an ashram, and to keep the rent low, needed to commit to mandatory yoga and meditation classes. It was where I got my first exposure to yoga, focusing primarily on pranayama breathwork and meditation. It’s also where I was introduced to the books of Paramahansa Yogananda, whose teaching completely changed by life. I learned through these teachings that meditation is how I can connect with the True Self – who I really am, which goes beyond what I look like or what I do. After I came back to the US, I decided this was the path I wanted to take and became fully immersed in Kriya and Vinyasa yoga teachings, becoming an expert yoga and meditation teacher, and founder of my own holistic wellness lifestyle brand Solluna.

Why is meditation so great for moms?
As busy moms we are constantly trying to juggle so many things – the kid’s schedules, meal planning, chores, work, relationships, and it can lead to a lot of stress, anxiety and then we often neglect time for ourselves, which I too am guilty of. Meditation is the one time you can really and truly be with yourself – to check in and listen to what your mind and your body need, which will ultimately lead to less stress and a more joyful life.

What do you need to start a meditation practice?
Choose a practice spot. In an ideal world, you would meditate in the same place every day which signals to your brain and body that it’s time to start your practice. It can be in the corner of your bedroom, or even your closet! A cushion or chair is fine too, just make sure you’re not slumped – posture is key! Lift your spine so your shoulders are over your hips, and make sure your chin is parallel with the floor.

How do you suggest getting started if you don’t have a lot of time?
Strive for 10 minutes in the morning if you can, ideally first thing before you get on your phone or eat or do any calls. Also, put your phone on airplane model to cut down on distractions. I recognize having kids means it could be near impossible to meditate without distractions (sometimes, I meditate in bed with my kids…definitely not ideal but I stick with it and do my best!). If you’re worried about distractions, another idea could be to set your alarm 10 minutes before you know your kids are likely to wake up and meditate then. I also like to suggest 10 minutes of meditation at night, before dinner or before bedtime to close out the day. I know for me, that helps tell my body it’s time to rest and I get a great night’s sleep.


What apps do you like for meditation?
My holistic wellness brand Solluna actually recently launched the Solluna app, which incorporates meditations as part of my four cornerstone philosophy of True Beauty, which is to focus on Food, Body, Emotional Wellbeing and Spiritual Growth to achieve your life goals and to look and feel your absolute best.

Any books you recommend?
For teachings, techniques to better your whole life, meditation tips/practices, breathwork and powerful, simple exercises, check out my forthcoming sixth book, You Are More Than You Think You Are: Practical Enlightenment for Everyday Life(available for pre-order now at Amazon and where books are sold)!

Anything else you’d like to share?
The source of many of our struggles with confidence, self-image, and a lack of abundance come from a primal fear tied into survival and identity. The cure for what ails us is unleashing the power of the True Self, and we do that by activating a part of our personality that often lies dormant.

For more, visit Kimberly on Instagram @_kimberlysnyder and at!


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