MEET-A-MOM Traci Ketter!! | Shawnee Area Moms

Pre-Covid, I would spend many lunch’s at Chick-fil-A chatting with friends while the kids played on the indoor playground. It was always a magical experience. The employees were always pleasant and the food was delicious. Plus, it was a chance to bond with my girl friends and get a moment of peace and quiet. I was thrilled when they announced the opening of Chick-fil-A in Lenexa!!  I am in awe of the operation that they put in place during Covid and have visited this location’s drive through more times than I can count!  I look forward to the day when I can sit in the lobby and enjoy a meal with friends again!

I was honored to meet with managers of the Chick-fil-A Lenexa location recently.  I can honestly say they are wonderful and a pleasure to work with! Not only did they offer to host Shawnee Area Mom’s first event, they expressed an interest in hiring local moms for what they are calling the “mom squad!” Clearly this is a company that loves and appreciates local moms! So it makes total sense that they would trust local moms to care for their guests! I love the idea of a “mom squad” and am excited to be a part of helping this location find theirs! The “mom squad” is hiring manager Traci Ketter’s unique vision. As a mom, Traci knows and appreciates what being a mom is all about and would love to make local moms part of her team! I’m excited to introduce Traci to the Shawnee Area Moms community and maybe YOU are just who Traci is looking for!!

Meet Traci Ketter

Tell us about yourself. Where do you live? How many kids do you have, and what are their ages?  My name is Traci Ketter and I am the HR Director at Chick-fil-A in Lenexa. I commute (aka, daily quiet time! yay!) from Parkville, MO where I live with my husband, Jason, and our four children. I have two boys and two girls, who are 12, 10, 7, and 2.

What do you like to do for fun?  We love to hike as a family (well, Jason and l love it, the kids are hot and cold). We’re also unashamed pool junkies in the summer.

What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?  People who know me in adulthood are surprised to learn that I was not a great student when I was younger. I had some amazing mentors in college, which is when I “woke up” so to speak. That is why I am so passionate about investing in our team and helping them to discover their own forms of genius.

What’s your favorite thing about motherhood?  I tend to be a very serious person so I love that my kids keep things “real.” They are so funny!

How do you juggle working full time with being a mom?  It’s certainly a challenge but my working hours are very flexible and everyone I work with is so understanding and supportive.

 Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you with motherhood?  I wouldn’t be able to do any of it without the most supportive husband in the world! Jason has the best attitude and he keeps me positive.

Why did you choose Chick-fil-A as your employer?  I love the fast-paced environment and most importantly, the people! Chick-fil-A Lenexa is all about investing in the development of our people and leading that effort is truly a joy.

What’s the best part of your job?  The best part of my job is watching people grow over time. In contrast to conventional knowledge about seeing things “click,” I’ve found that development is something that happens slowly, in small increments over time. So it’s incumbent upon us to notice and encourage that growth.

What is your vision for the “Mom Squad?”  I envision a squad of fun-loving ladies who roll in here after dropping their kids off, or after their morning routine, and crush the lunch rush with us! It’s like, conquer your morning, throw dinner in the slow cooker, drop the kids off, run a few errands and then come get your steps in while enjoying some adult interaction at Chick-fil-A, enjoy a salad on your way out (and maybe even hang out on the patio for a while for a little peace and quiet) and you’re done in time to pick up the kids from school. Hopping into the operations for lunch always gives me energy to finish my day and I want to share the fun.

Why do you think a mom would be perfect for daytime work at Chick-fil-A?  Adults are great at anticipating our guests’ needs and serving our community well. But mostly, it just sounds like a lot of fun to be surrounded by other strong women in this life stage.

What would a daytime shift at Chick-fil-A involve?  There are lots of different positions I could see being fun for folks: Greeting guests, taking orders, keeping the dining room set up and tidy, running food… the list is endless!

How could someone apply if they are interested in being part of the “Mom Squad” at the Lenexa Chick-fil-A?  They can apply at Make sure to mention this blog in the application questions!

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